In a larger bowl, mix 1/4 c white glue (like Elmers) and 1/4 c water. Add a squirt of tempera paint for color. You can even add glow in the dark paint for a weird twist.
Mix 1/2 teas Borax in 1/2 c water. Stir well until dissolved.
Slowly pour the Borax mixture into the glue mixture. You’ll see it clump up immediately. Stir. Pour off the excess liquid, and you’re left with the slime!
Smush it. Squeeze it. It gets even better the more you play with it. It stretches and breaks. It slowly flattens. You can punch holes in it. You can cut it out with cookie cutters. And I found it less messy than play-dough. It’s not for eating, so do exercise supervision.**
This fun recipe was found at
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